Halfmoon Cove
The furthest north settlement of the Corinthians, this small beach cove is located at the end of a rocky valley road, travelling along this road east will lead to Cape Corinth. This is a popular location for new arrivals looking for their first cave exploring experience.
Local Mining Operations
The local mining operation is for the exploration and extraction of vital resources, leading the operation in the area is mining foreman Sanders.
This mining operation is one of the more vital operations for the growth of the settlements around the Corinthian province.
Although the operation has so far run smoothly, mining has currently ceased dues to a casualties on the discovery of a Sabakuma brood nest.
The Sabakuma is a crawling sandworm with large fangs. They are known to inhabit all of the known deserts on Calypso, but are also can be found where there is plenty of lose soil for them to dig down and hide.
As the threat is very minor, the foreman has stated:
"I am currently looking for freelance hunters passing the location for aid in removing this infestation. I am willing to provide equipment for anyone willing to aid in retrieving equipment containing mining data and removing these desert demons."
Chikara Omniworld Corporation
Fuelling Development And Progress
One of the three major corporations that have been fundamental in the colonisation and development of planet Calypso operates the fuel depot just outside Halfmoon Cove. This depot is logistically in a prime location for the development of mining operations within Halfmoon Cove, allowing for the loading of valuable resources and refuelling at the same time.
Although the road to the next settlement is relatively peaceful be aware that the wildlife in the region can be aggressive.
If you are poorly equipped it is advised you stay a safe distance away from the wildlife.
A number of revival terminals have been set up along the road between Cape Corinth and Halfmoon Cove to insure the safety of new arrivals.
This was brought to you by the Calypso Defence Force.